Map and Trunk of Materials

Along with each state giant traveling map is a trunk full of resources at your disposal. You are responsible for ensuring all materials are in the trunk when the map arrives and when it is shipped to the next location. Use this checklist (you will also find a copy with the trunk materials) and conduct a brief inventory. Report to us any lost or damaged items.


  1. Bingo chips (1000 chips, various colors)*
  2. 18 orange cones
  3. Yellow flexible chain
  4. Lanyards (25 red, 25 yellow, 25 green, 25 blue)
  5. Ball of string
  6. Sticky notes (4 colors)
  7. Laminated scavenger hunt cards (4 large, 30 small)
  8. Laminated compass rose
  9. Map key
  10. GIS transparencies


*If the majority of the bingo chips are missing, please let us know so they can be replaced.